

2024 Circle of Care Campaign Online Giving Form


All donations are tax-deductible. Payroll deduction contributions will be recognized on your T4.

All pledges take effect in January 2024.


All participating employees will be listed on the Circle of Care Campaign online Donor Wall. In addition, there are added incentives for employees who give $52 or more.

  • Supporter Circle - $52 to $500 (Starting at $2 payroll or $1 / week)
  • Advocate Circle - $500 to $999 (Starting at $19.24 payroll or $9.62 / week)
  • Friend Circle - $1,000 to $1,999 (Starting at $38.47 payroll or $19.24 / week)
  • Family Circle - $2,000+ (Starting at $76.93 payroll or $38.47 / week)

Just follow these SIMPLE Steps:

Step 1:

Windsor Regional Hospital family members have the option of designating their gift to a program or service that they are passionate about.


Step 2:

Payroll Deduction Option 1:

I want to pledge an equal amount per pay period to the area/project I've selected above. I understand my deductions will begin January 2024 and this amount will be deducted until further notice.


Payroll Deduction Option 2:

I want to pledge a one-time gift to the area/project I've selected above.


Step 3:

The Foundation publishes an honour roll of donor names. May we include your name?

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