Never in a Million Years

E-Book Now Available

Karen McKeown

Karen McKeown is a life-long Windsor resident, currently living the past five years with Stage IV Metastatic Melanoma in her brain, lungs, and left adrenal gland.

Karen credits the dedicated care she received at Windsor Regional Hospital with keeping her alive. She has experienced first-hand how important updated, high-tech equipment is in fighting cancer like hers.

That is why Karen has decided to share her story with the goal of raising money for the Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation.

Karen has created an e-book called Never in a Million Years. In this 42-page autobiography, Karen bears her soul and delves into the emotional turmoil she felt upon hearing her cancer diagnoses in her brain, lungs, and adrenal glands. Karen says, “I think once you are diagnosed with one of these diseases you think ‘never in a million years did I think this would be me.’”

Sales of the online book will all directly go towards a piece of equipment Karen is passionate about supporting - the new CT Scan that the hospital recently acquired.

“When I originally went for my CT Scan they had an old machine. When I walked into the room about a month ago, I immediately noticed the CT Scan was new. This one is three times as effective. If you’re well, you don’t think about health needs. When you’re ill, you realize that these new technologies are so necessary. You never know when you’re going to need that type of diagnostic imaging. It helps doctors know what they’re dealing with – and how to treat you.”


Never in a Million Years is available by a pay-what-you-can online donation.

Please visit our DONATE NOW page and select “CT Scan Fund” from the drop-down designation menu. Be sure to provide your e-mail address when making your donation. An e-book link and tax receipt for your donation will be sent to you within 24 hours.

For more information, please e-mail or call 519-254-5577 ext. 52656.