Donor Recognition

Thank you to all our generous supporters.

2019 Holiday Donations

Windsor Regional Hospital and Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation would like to thank everyone who made a donation this holiday season!

The IV Power of Positivity

fight like mason donation 2 fight like mason donation

On Tuesday, April 3rd, The Met Campus at Windsor Regional Hospital was fortunate enough to be visited by two inspiring individuals. Iain and Chantelle Macri, the founders of the Fight Like Mason Foundation. A generous donation of 39 IV Poles to Paediatric Services had been publicly presented.

Each IV Pole is uniquely and lovingly customized to make any child smile and, comfort families in their time of need. The Fight Like Mason Foundation is a non-profit organization that was founded by Iain Macri and Chantelle Bacon, loving parents of Mason Bacon-Macri who was diagnosed on May 4th, 2015 with Rhabdomyosarcoma; a rare and grueling form of childhood cancer, at the young age of 2.

After his passing, Mason's parents thought of no greater way to honour him but to continue carrying his name through building a foundation to help other children and their families just like their own. Their mission is to improve the treatment, care, quality of life and awareness of patients diagnosed with childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma and other childhood cancers. Iain and Chantelle want to continue to encourage and inspire others to continue ‘Mason’s Fight’ by raising proceeds to research institutions and other programs that focus on newly developed treatment techniques, specifically for Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma.

The inspiration for Mason’s PowerPoles came during the time Mason’s disease became terminal. This is when Iain and Chantelle decided it was time to bring their son home for palliative care. In doing this, they were required to bring extensive medical equipment home, which Mason was not fond of.

The Power Poles are aimed at removing the hospital 'feeling' with feelings of positivity and a sense of pride. The Foundation has individually created each pole with vibrantly styled toppers that have fun colourful designs which children can associate with. Additionally, these are meant to make children proud of their battles. This initiative was created to make these children know just how brave and special they really are, and that their fight is really something to be proud of.

Written by Victoria Pittao, WRH Co-op Student.

Thank You for International Women’s Day

Kudos again to the ladies responsible for the Ciociaro Club International Women’s Day event where they presented Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation with a cheque for $10,000 toward the Breast Health Centre.

International Women’s Day recognizes women from around the world for achieving equal rights and independence.

Congratulations ladies on hosting another successful event on behalf of Windsor Regional Hospital’s Breast Health Centre.

Ciociaro Club donationCiociaro Club International Women’s Day Committee members include; Anna Vitti, Rita Petrilli, Ilde Mariani and Anna Vozza.

Massey Students Show They Care

Presentation to Lisa Gailbraith, Child Life Worker and some members of the Vincent Massey Secondary School Cancer Awareness Club

Our appreciation is extended to the Vincent Massey Secondary School Cancer Awareness Club who recently donated to the Paediatric Oncology Treasure Box. Students raised money and did the shopping based on the Wish List provided by Child Life.

Massey High School donationPresentation to Lisa Gailbraith, Child Life Worker and some members of the Vincent Massey Secondary School Cancer Awareness Club.

Comforting Treats

Many thanks to Windsor Costco employees for the generous donation of supplies for the coffee carts in the Cancer program. The donation of coffee, cookies and supplies is much appreciated. Coffee and cookies provide a comforting treat to those visiting the Cancer Centre.

They were so gracious, they ran out before we could get a photo of them!!!

Costco Donation donation

Thank you Nancy Jones, WRH Hats on For Healthcare committee volunteer!

Thanks are extended to WRH Hats on For Healthcare committee volunteer, Nancy Jones. Nancy is an employee at KPMG in Windsor.

KPMG is committed in helping create healthy, vibrant, communities and knows that this requires the active participation of members of their team. Nancy is a recipient of a KPMG Community Leader Award which celebrates the deep connection individuals at KPMG have with their communities.

On behalf of KPMG, Nancy has donated her award of $1,000.00 to kick off the 9th year of Hats on for Healthcare.

Many Thanks to Nancy for helping ‘kick off the campaign’.

KPMG donationLeft to Right: Harvey Snaden, Elaine Snaden (Hats On for Healthcare Chairpersons) and Nancy Jones (KPMG).

First Annual Baby Steps Walkathon a success!

Representatives from the Knights of Columbus Holy Name Council 3305 were on hand to present a cheque for $2000 to the WRH Foundation. The donation supports the Hospital’s Perinatal Bereavement program. The Perinatal Bereavement Committee of Windsor Regional Hospital provides care for parents experiencing perinatal loss. The program offers parents an opportunity to acknowledge the birth and death of their baby including photographs, footprints, certificates, special clothing/blankets and spiritual needs. It also provides the family with bereavement support through compassionate listening, grief support, information and support after leaving the hospital.

Windsor Regional Hospital Spiritual Care department, with the assistance of the Perinatal Bereavement Committee hosts an annual memorial service, ‘A Time To Remember’ offering healing, comfort, support and encouragement to parents and families.

Baby Steps WalkathonPatti Harrison, Crystal Palumbo, Manager Allied Health Services, BJ Harrison (Grand Knight) and David LaChapelle present cheque to Rosemary Hogan-Kobrynovich, Chairperson, Perinatal Bereavement program.

Cards for a Cause

Thanks to the Grade 7 class at A.V. Graham Public School, over 160 creatively designed greeting cards will be distributed to patients throughout Windsor Regional Hospital. Many thanks to the Windsor Community Foundation for their support of this project.

Card donationStudents, Charlotte Berecz and Hannah Cole, with teacher Lisa Fraba from A.V. Graham showcase the variety of greeting cards designed and donated.

W.E. Care For Kids .... Really Care!

The Windsor Essex Cares For Kids Foundation, or commonly known as W.E. Care For Kids raised approximately $7 million, since being established 20 years ago. Their goal annually is to raise funds to assist children and adolescents with medical equipment and other needs that help the patient and family. Some of their milestones have been to raise millions for a dedicated Paediatric Operating Room, providing a Home at the Family Learning Place and raising thousands of dollars for the Ronald McDonald House Windsor.

Recently, WCFK Chairperson, Leah Hanson and Spokeskids presented Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation with a cheque for $154,902.00!

Our gratitude is extended to the WCFK Foundation for their commitment to children in our community.

W.E. Care For Kids Donation

Shriners Well Known For Helping Kids In Hospital

The local Moramos Shrine Club of Windsor donated $5000 to Paediatric Services at the Met Campus last week. Since 1870, Shriners across the globe are known for funding and building sick kids hospitals. Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation has been blessed by the Windsor Branch, Moramos Shrine Club for donating approximately $250,000 over the last decade or more.

Shriner DonationIn the lobby area that bears their name and logo, Windsor Shrine Club members include (r to l) Rolf Sax, Bill Chamney, Morton Brodsky, George Minto, Kevin Wilson, Don Wilmer, Randy MacNiven, Chandra Kania, Moe Howes, David Kerr and (sitting are) Jim McDonald and Jim Chambers.

High School Stuffed Animals Collection

Thanks to Celina and Cristina at General Amherst High School in Amherstburg for spearheading the annual stuffed animal drive for Paediatric Services again this year. The entire school body got involved by support a pizza day with draws held, raising funds to purchase the new stuffed animals.

A total of 143 stuffed animals were purchases by General Amherst students.

The variety of stuffed animals are used by Child Life specialists to assist with reducing stress and anxiety that children experience while in hospital for tests, clinic visits or longer stays. Each child receives one to take home when discharged from hospital.

General Amherst donation

Local author supports Breast Health Centre

Jacqueline Apostol-Pizzuti, a local businesswoman and the author of Healing Pretty, donated a portion of the proceeds from her March book's sales to the Breast Health Centre at Windsor Regional Hospital on April 12, 2017.

Healing Pretty is a comprehensive guide book for women with cancer that helps them cope with the esthetic and uncomfortable side-effects of treatment. With over 300 tips and resources, Healing Pretty gives women the power and confidence to take back their lives.

Healing Pretty covers these head-to-toe topics:
  • Hair loss – what to expect, taking control, choosing a wig and hair re-growth; 
  • Prosthetic products, comfort accessories and treatment-friendly fashion; 
  • Skin and nail problems, make up tips and hygiene smarts; 
  • Sex and intimacy; and 
  • Physical activity

Plus, two dedicated chapters: 

“Soul Sisters” - 21 local cancer survivors who provide their tips, ideas, resources and advice.

“Soul-ebrity Sisters – inspiring quotes from international female celebrity cancer survivors.

The book was launched on March 8 as part of an International Women's Day event.

Books can be purchased online at

Jacqueline Apostol-Pizzuti Donation

International Women’s Day

Our appreciation once again to the Ciociaro Club and its International Women’s Day Committee for raising awareness and funds on March 8th for the Breast Health Centre at the Met Campus. International Women’s Day.

To date this amazing group of ladies have raised over $100,000 to support equipment purchases.

International Womens Day

Prayer Shawl

On March 14, 2017, representatives from Our Lady of the Atonement Parish presented their 2000th blanket to the Spiritual Care department.

While we may consider them ‘blankets’, June Laforet and Annemarie Bondy educated us on the Prayer Shawl Ministry of which they are a part of. Prayer Shawl Ministry began when a group of women who were studying together put their hands on the scarf draped shoulders of a friend to pray with her and to show support for her very ill husband, inspired by this, the Prayer Shawl Ministry at Our Lady of the Atonement Parish extends their support to our patients through knitted, crocheted and quilted blankets.

Patient Richard was on hand to accept along with Pat Slavik, Chaplain Spiritual Care and Karen Riddell, Director Professional Practice and Operations.

Prayer Shawl donation

Roseland Rotary Club supports the Ouellette Campus Clothing closet

Many thanks to the members of Windsor Roseland Rotary for their continued efforts and support. Recently, the Club collected new items to be used for the Ouellette Campus Clothing Closet.

Clothing Closet DonationJulie Dragich, President Windsor Roseland Rotary presenting the Marlene Bafaro, Spiritual Care.

Drive 4UR Community Helps Children’s Diabetes Clinic

Lynn Marentette, associated with Ken Knapp Ford in Essex took the Paediatric Metabolic Diabetes Clinic under her wing when suggesting a fundraiser on behalf of the program through the dealership. Thanks to the Ford Motor Company, anyone taking a test drive of a Ford product at Ken Knapp Ford ensured that he corporation donated $20 toward a local charity.

The 4UR Drive Community initiative raised $4,220 as a result of over 200 test drives.

Drive4URPhoto Above (l to r) Erika Lanoue, Manager, Paediatric Services; Lynn Marentette, Ken Knapp Ford; Mary Sauve, Paediatric Metabolic Clinic and Jim Cosgrove, responsible for new vehicle inventory at Ken Knapp Ford.

Courageous family continues to raise organ donor awareness

Many heartfelt thanks to the loving family of the late Trevor Funkenhauser, who on Nov. 4 were recognized for their ongoing and outstanding contributions towards organ and tissue donation awareness.

A golf tournament held every year by Trevor's parents Gunther and Judith Funkenhauser and their extended family and friends continues to raise funds to support equipment and awareness raising initiatives for this important cause.

Following his courageous battle in 2006, Trevor's organs saved three lives and improved the lives of many others because of his Gift of Life through organ donation. This year's annual A Day For A Life golf tournament raised more than $25,000, putting the total raised over the past six years to more than $125,000. Gunther and Judith presented this year's cheque to the WRH Foundation during an emotional ceremony at the Ouellette campus.

"We have the power to save lives," Gunther said at the event, noting that he hopes to continue to do his part to raise awareness while encouraging others to do the same.

"As long as I can do it, I will do it. We're willing to do whatever we can to promote organ and tissue donation."

Foundation Chair Richard Vennettelli noted statistics that show that "every three days, a person dies waiting for an organ."

"Thank you for everything you do in our community," he said to the Funkenhausers.

Paula Schmidt, regional Gift of Life coordinator, called the Funkehausers "truly inspirational."

"WRH is really lucky to have you and your continued support," she said, remind those gathered to tell their friends to "take the two minutes - go to - and save a life and think of the legacy you could leave behind."

Thank you to Gunther, Judith and all of their family, friends and supporters who continue to remind our residents to register their online consent to organ and tissue donation at

Funkenhauser donation

Super Ethan

The family of Ethan held their 2nd Annual Super Ethan Steps, a walk/run held at Seacliffe Park in Leamington on September 25th. Through the help of family, friends, hospital staff and Primo Foods, they raise $14,400 for Paediatric Oncology and Child Life Services. The event also promoted Childhood Cancer Awareness that took place through September.

Super Ethan donationJennifer Burton Liang, Child Life specialist accepting donation of $14,400 from Charlie, Ethan and Nicole Abdul-Marrih.

Starlight Shines Bright For Windsor Regional Hospital

An annual tradition occurs on behalf of Paediatric Child Life Services at Windsor Regional Hospital when the Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada provides a grant to support the ongoing work that Child Life provides to young patients.

Recently, through the assistance of Toys R Us, a donation of $2000 was provided to assist with a Baby Einstein-Sea Dream Soother, Graco Sweet Slumber Sound Machine, RockaRoo Infant Seat and a BounceaRoo Bouncer. These are specific items that Child Life specialists require when helping children in the hospital who are experiencing anxiety or stress during treatment.

For over 23 years, Starlight Children’s Foundation has transformed the lives of Canadian children who live with serious illness. What makes Starlight unique is that they are there for the entire journey, from the emergency room to recovery.

Starlight donationLoren Floyd, Starlight Children’s Foundation presenting Lisa Galbraith, Paediatric Child Life Services with $2000 grant with Darlene Hearn of Toys R Us.

Thank you Corvette Club of Windsor

An annual event to benefit Windsor Regional Hospital was recently held by members of the Corvette Car Club. The funds were raised during the Annual Corvette Car Show held on Windsor’s Waterfront on June 12th. The first Corvette vehicle rolled off the GM assembly line in 1953, costing $3,500. Today, a vintage Sport Coupe Convertible Corvette is worth over $80,000. There are over 800,000 collectible Corvettes registered in North America.

The Club has donated over $6000 to the Paediatric Oncology Satellite Unit. They recently brought a few cars to display at the Met site for Patients, Staff and Visitors.

Ciociaro Club donation

Hockey Kicks Cancer!

The Eid Sisters Annual Charity Birthday Bash saw young people lace up their skates and raise funds for Paediatric Oncology and Child Life Services at Windsor Regional Hospital.

Ava (14 yrs old) and Bri (13 yrs old) and their respective hockey teams, the Windsor Wildcats and the Tecumseh Eagles faced off and played a fun-friendly game recently. What is unique is that Bri is Team Captain of the all boys, Tecumseh Eagles team who won the game against her sister Ava and her Windsor Wildcats this year.

Ava and Bri have philanthropy in their genes – their mother, Maria has raised thousand of dollars for the Cancer program through and an annual race called “Running from Cancer”.

Hockey Kicks Cancer