
Major Planning Milestone Achieved


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The New Windsor/Essex Acute Care Hospital project has achieved a major planning milestone with the submission of its Stage 1.3 (formerly Stage 2) plan to the Ministry of Health.

The submission is the result of extensive collaboration with many partners within the hospital, the community, and the province. It includes a functional program, a set of block diagrams, a campus plan, and an updated cost estimate.

The submission was developed over the past 16 months by expert hospital planners, in consultation with 40 User Groups representing all hospital programs and services.

The User Groups were made up of hospital leadership, staff, professional staff, volunteers, and patient and community representatives - including members of the hospital's Patient and Family Advisory Committee, the Chief of the Essex-Windsor Emergency Medical Services, and representatives from all First Nation communities represented by the London District Chiefs Council.

The submission is based on current and future project volumes and incorporates the extensive community feedback received throughout this planning stage.

"This is an innovative and inclusive plan that really captures what the User Groups involved in planning - and our community - have determined is required to build a state-of-the-art hospital with the capacity to provide timely, patient and family-centred care for generations to come," said David Musyj, President and CEO.

A draft version of the plan was shared during a recent town hall series - which is available on the project website - before being endorsed by the Windsor Regional Hospital Board of Directors and submitted to the Ministry.

Highlights include:
  • capacity for 100% private rooms,
  • shelled-in space for future growth,
  • a simulation training centre and auditorium,
  • Indigenous healing space,
  • cafeteria with access to outdoor seating, and
  • links to city-planned trails and bus service
The Ministry of Health Capital Branch will now review the submission, provide feedback and work with the hospital to ensure the final approved plan aligns with provincial expectations and standards for modern and efficient hospital care.

"We look forward to working with the Ministry throughout this approval process, responding promptly to feedback and getting a final plan approved so we move to the next planning stage and get this hospital built for Windsor-Essex," said Musyj.

The submission is the first of three planning stages outlined in the Ministry of Health's Capital Planning and Policy Manual. Ministry approval is required before proceeding to Stage 2 - Detailed Planning - where the teams will further develop the plans and initiate the tendering process to select a company to complete the plans and build the hospital.

In its November 2022 Market Update, Infrastructure Ontario announced an expedited timeline for the project that will see the tendering process begin in 2025 and "shovels in the ground" by 2026.

To learn more about the project and subscribe to the email list for updates, please visit


Media Release