Letters of Support
Letters of support for the Windsor-Essex Hospitals System proposal.
- Drew Dilkens, Mayor, City of Windsor and Tom Bain, Warden, County of Essex - August 2018
- Windsor-Essex Hospitals System Founding Members
- Essex County Chinese Canadian Association
- Multicultural Council of Windsor and Essex County
- The United Church Downtown Mission of Windsor Inc.
- Senior Advisory Committee
- Alzheimer Society of Windsor Essex
- Alzheimer's Society backs new acute hospital - Windsor Star, October 21, 2016
- CARP Windsor Essex Chapter
- Retired Teachers of Ontario
- Students from Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Windsor Campus
- Windsor Construction Association, Heavy Construction Association of Windsor
- Windsor Cancer Research Group Executive Committee
- Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce
- WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation
- Erie St. Clair LHIN
- Windsor Regional Hospital, Medical Advisory Committee
- Taras Natyshak (MPP Essex), Percy Hatfield (MPP, Windsor-Tecumseh), Lisa Gretzky (MPP, Windsor West), Drew Dikens (Mayor, City of Windsor) and Tom Bain (Warden, County of Essex)
- Drew Dilkens, Mayor, City of Windsor
Tom Bain, Warden, County of Essex
The New Windsor/Essex Acute Care Hospital Project