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Windsor Regional Hospital
1995 Lens Avenue
Windsor, Ontario
N8W 1L9
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Media Advisory - Run/Walk Event

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Windsor Regional Hospital
1995 Lens Avenue
Windsor, Ontario
N8W 1L9
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WRH Foundation

Media Advisory - Run/Walk Event

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at (Windsor Chapter), in cooperation with the City of Windsor and Windsor Regional Hospital, held its 2nd fundraiser on September 8th of last year, raising an additional $15,000 for the future Urgent Care Centre/Satellite Emergency Department. They will present their donation on:

Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Location: Met Campus - Windsor Regional Hospital – 1995 Lens Avenue
First Floor East Presentation Area

The Windsor Chapter made a commitment to assist with funding for the future Urgent Care Centre/Satellite Emergency Department in the spring of 2017. When the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care visited Windsor and announced the approval of Stage 2 for the future single-site acute care hospital, it was also announced that the government asked the Windsor-Essex Hospitals Steering Committee to take in consideration use of the existing Ouellette Campus location as an option, not ruling out the original plan to build at the former Grace Site on University Avenue.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at have been in Canada for more than 50 years, taking pride in giving back to their communities. They have held fundraising runs across the country and now, have made Windsor a destination for its annual run.

The annual Run For Windsor is usually held on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend; however, due to inclement weather last year, it was postponed to September 8th where the event took place at Windsor’s Riverfront Plaza. The 5 km run/walk is now an annual tradition. For information on this year’s Run For Windsor, go to:

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