A Message from the President

Windsor Regional Hospital Corporate Information

Karen Riddell mobile

Welcome to Windsor Regional Hospital, a multi-faceted, health services organization operating from two main sites, the Metropolitan Campus and the Ouellette Campus.

Windsor Regional Hospital is one of the largest community hospitals in the Province of Ontario and is the largest employer in Windsor and Essex County.

We are the regional provider of advanced care in areas that include complex trauma, renal dialysis, cardiac care, stroke and neurosurgery, intensive care, acute mental health, family birthing centre, neonatal intensive care, paediatric services, regional cancer services, and a broad range of medical and surgical services required to support these specialized areas for more than 400,000 people in Windsor and Essex County.

Windsor Regional Hospital was one of the first hospitals to introduce patient quality and safety indicators publicly. These include Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratios (HSMR), Hospital Acquired Infection rates, patient and staff satisfaction, and financial performance. Windsor Regional Hospital will regularly publish its performance information, using indicators to measure and report on how well we're doing towards meeting targets and/or to highlight areas for ongoing improvement.

Windsor Regional Hospital is committed to providing Outstanding Care - No Exceptions!

The engine of Windsor Regional is its staff. This includes employees, professional staff (medical/dental staff), and volunteers. Local, provincial, and national organizations have recognized and honored Windsor Regional Hospital for its workplace initiatives. These include the Hospital's vibrant Workplace Wellness Program which focuses on healthy activities for both mind and spirit supported by community fitness, arts, and wellness businesses and groups.

This year, Windsor Regional Hospital is again recognized as a healthy workplace with a Platinum Level Gord Smith Healthy Workplace Award. In May 2024, Windsor Regional Hospital was recognized by Accreditation Canada with Exemplary Status. This is the second consecutive Accreditation Canada review resulting in Exemplary Status. Also in 2024, Windsor Regional Hospital was the recipient of the Believe Windsor-Essex Business Excellence Award by the Windsor-Essex Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, Windsor Regional Hospital is committed to creating a complete healing environment. Customer service is what we pride ourselves on. You will be aided along with your visit by the many volunteers who are stationed throughout our campuses, and My Care Journey app provides recovery information you can take home with you for a variety of diagnoses and conditions.

Our gift shops, pharmacies and eateries including Tim Hortons products aim to make your stay or visit as comfortable as possible. Music remains a part of our healing environment as well – you will hear visitors stop to play one of our beautiful pianos, while a beloved continuing feature remains the playing of the Brahms Lullaby every time a baby is born at our hospital.

There’s also plenty of excitement about our future. Our plans are taking shape for a new, state-of-the-art acute care hospital for Windsor and Essex County.

Windsor Regional Hospital strives to provide up-to-date, relevant, and clear communication. Our website enables us to better communicate with you and you with us. It provides a direct portal to our services and programs, as well as 24-hour accessibility to a wealth of patient and family information regarding health resources, support, and links - all of which are intended to help you become an active and ongoing participant in your well-being and health - a true partner.

And so, I invite you to spend some time touring around, introduce yourself or re-familiarize yourself with Windsor Regional Hospital. For many, it will provide an opportunity to get to know us prior to actually arriving. Whatever the reason, we look forward to your visit.

If you want to discuss your care, please let a Windsor Regional Hospital team member know your thoughts or call me at 519-254-5577 Ext. 52839 (office) or 519-995-0413 (home/cell) or by email at Karen.Riddell@wrh.on.ca.


Karen Riddell
President & Chief Executive Officer