
Trip to Ethiopia helps patients in need


Dr. Indryas Woldie in Ethiopia

Dr. Indryas Woldie

Congratulations to Dr. Indryas Woldie on a recent trip to Ethiopia that accomplished so much good and really spoke to the dedication of WRH team members for making the world a better place.

The successful trip included the delivery of a $3000 donation from a WRH bake sale event to the pediatric oncology hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

A previous donation was used to buy comfortable chemotherapy chairs for patients.

Also, in collaboration with the World Federation of Hemophilia and Karmanos Cancer Center, the group completed a four-year "twining" activity with St. Paul Millennium College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, by launching a new hemophilia treatment centre. Only the second centre of its kind in the country, it will house a trained multidisciplinary team and trained laboratory staff to make accurate diagnosis and treatment of hemophilia.

Dr. Woldie also launched a book written in Ethiopia's national language (Amharic) that provides an overview of cancer in Amharic.

The book addressed basic issues including understanding cancer, prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment, goals and outcomes of treatment and side effects of treatment.

Thank you Dr. Woldie for setting a standard for caring on the global stage!