
Learning and Workplace Development team helps feed the world!


Gleaners 1

Gleaners 2

It's fantastic when a work team can get together for a night out - for some team-building and fun and also for a great cause!

Last month, WRH staff from Learning and Workplace Development, along with family and friends worked on the assembly line at Gleaners in Leamington preparing vegetables so they could be diced, dehydrated, packaged and shipped throughout Canada and around the world to feed the hungry.

In less than two hours, the team helped process 5,000 lbs. of food.

"It as a great team activity and an opportunity to show our compassion for communities around the world," said Linda Morrow, Director, Learning and Workplace Development, Standardization and Optimization.

The Southwestern Ontario Gleaners works to help alleviate hunger worldwide. They continue to increase our production and outreach every single year.

For more information, visit