
WRH Recognized for Reducing Unnecessary Tests


Choosing Wisely Canada

Choosing Wisely Canada, the national voice for reducing unnecessary tests and treatments in health care has awarded WRH with a Level 1 Certification. With this designation, WRH is now part of a worldwide movement that promotes best practice by reducing unnecessary testing and treatments for our patients.

WRH enacted 5 "quick wins" to achieve the certification:

  • Uncoupled PT and PTT blood clotting tests on lab panels so providers order only the test that will specifically answer their clinical question.
  • Eliminated Creatine Kinase (CK) testing if Troponin is available for cardiac enzyme testing. CK testing as an individual order is still available.
  • Removed the "Daily Lab" option from order sets (except for complex oncology patients).
  • Removed Folate (Serum/RBC Folate) testing from WRH ordering systems. This test is still available upon special request.
  • Eliminated routine chest x-rays in ICU except to answer specific clinical questions.

"This designation recognizes WRH's leadership in tackling overuse," says Dr. Andrew Petrakos, Medical Advisor Standardization and Optimization Process (SOP) and e-VOLVE Project "By doing this we avoid potential harm to patients and free up hospital resources for more important uses."

This is the first of three levels of Certification offered by Choosing Wisely Canada.

Work has already started to acquire Level 2 Certification. Dr. S. Ninkovich, Chief of Emergency Medicine, and Dr. D. Dhanoa, Chief of Radiology, are collaborating on 5 recommendations for Level two certification.

For more information, visit the Choosing Wisely Canada website