
No Current COVID-19 In-Patients AT WRH; Latest Death A Reminder To Remain Vigilant



The death of a patient today in our ICU who had tested positive for COVID-19 marks the 23rd death related to the coronavirus at Windsor Regional Hospital - a stark reminder of the need to remain vigilant in reducing the opportunity for transmission.

Out of 105 confirmed COVID-19 in-patients at the hospital's Met and Ouellette campuses, the 23 deaths means a death rate of nearly 22 percent in hospitalized patients. Also, out of 51 patients who were cared for at the recently closed St. Clair College Sportsplex facility for long-term care residents, 16 patients died.

Eighty-five patients who tested positive for COVID-19 from the Met or Ouellette campuses have been safely discharged from the hospital along with the 35 who are safely back home at Heron Terrace.

Today's death of an individual at the Met Campus means that at the time of the issuance of this news release, there are no current confirmed COVID-19 positive cases at either hospital campus. This marks the first time there have been no confirmed COVID-19 patients at WRH since the onset of the community's first hospitalization due to this virus, on March 26, 2020.

However, there are 54 patients currently in the hospital who are suspected of having COVID-19 and are awaiting test results.

"We send our heartfelt condolences to those families who have lost loved ones due to COVID-19. We cannot forget how the pandemic has cost dozens of lives in our region alone, and hundreds of thousands globally, and we need to keep vigilant to prevent its spread and be proactive and not reactive for individuals living in vulnerable settings" said WRH President and CEO David Musyj. David added further "I am so proud of our staff for the outstanding work they have done protecting our community, themselves and each other".

Dr. Wassim Saad, Chief of Staff for WRH added "We also recognize that while we currently have no confirmed COVID-19 patients in the hospital, circumstances can change very quickly. The circumstances in Leamington and Kingsville where multiple agri-food business workers are confirmed to have COVID-19 almost daily also serves as an important reminder of how quickly outbreaks and community transmission can occur."

The COVID-19 Assessment Centre at Ouellette Campus, adjacent to the Emergency Department, remains open for testing for the virus, Monday through Friday, 9 am to 6 pm, and Saturday and Sunday, 9 am to 4 pm.

WRH continues to take the threat of the virus very seriously through our ongoing efforts to ensure proper screening at our entrances, proper infection control practices, constant monitoring, and collaboration with community partners.