
New Met Campus Fracture Clinic Opens



The.Orthopedic.Fracture.Clinic reopened this past weekend in its newly renovated space at the Met Campus of Windsor Regional Hospital.

In March 2020, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the hospital's Met Campus relocated its fracture clinic to an offsite location at Tecumseh Road and Walker Road, as part of the pandemic guidelines to reduce services and flow within the hospital.

While at the offsite location, the clinic on the ground floor at the Met Campus was renovated and upgraded including social distancing protocols such as plexiglass barriers between the seats in the waiting area, new flooring, and furniture.

Patients returned to the Met Campus clinic on September 19th and by all accounts, the return went smoothly.

With the call clinics over the weekend, it saw about 85 patients by the end of the day on Monday.