
Update: Patients, Staff Test Negative For COVID-19 Following Possible Recent Exposure



Windsor.Regional.Hospital is providing the following update regarding the impact of several nursing students who early this week had tested positive for COVID-19 and were recently on student placement at the hospital.

  • We recommended testing for a total of 28 individuals - 15 staff members and 13 patients - who were identified as having possible exposure with the students who tested positive for COVID-19. ALL of the in-patient and staff results of the immediate direct contacts/exposure of the positive nursing students on clinical placements came back negative for COVID-19.
  • In addition, some 100 plus staff who decided they wanted to be tested because they felt they might have had contact with the positive students on the units where the students we replaced (7West and 6East at Ouellette Campus, and 8North and 6North at Met Campus) also came back negative for COVID-19.
  • Of the in-patients who were determined to have direct contact with these students, only four remain in hospital. Even though they have tested negative and the possible exposure to COVID-19 is considered extremely low risk, we will maintain additional precautions with these patients for the remainder of the 14 day period since exposure to err on the side of caution. Their isolation period will end on November 20th. Until that time we ask that these four patients continue to refrain from having visitors.
  • All other patients who are on the above-mentioned units but had no direct contact with the students are allowed to receive visitors again.
  • We have resumed regular testing and additional precaution procedures with all other patients on the impacted floors/units starting today.

We ask that all visitors continue to follow our COVID-19 protocols including diligent hand washing, masking while in hospital, physically distancing as much as possible, and following any additional precaution signage posted. Please ask the nursing staff if you are unsure. All staff are to continue to mask at all times, in addition to any other required personal protective equipment (PPE).

It is clear that these protocols help to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 to patients and among our staff.

ALL nursing student placements at WRH remain suspended until further notice. Also, ALL clinical student placements (with the exception of Schulich clinical placements) on 7W and 6E at Ouellette and 6N and 8N at Met have been halted until this issue is cleared.

Windsor Regional Hospital will continue to collaborate with the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, the University of Windsor, and St. Clair College and will keep the community informed during this situation.

As a reminder, to schedule a COVID-19 assessment appointment you can go online on your mobile device or computer (using Safari or Chrome) and select a certain date/time for your appointment or by "first available time". Please have your health card in hand when booking on-line or calling in.

For details on whether you qualify for a COVID-19 test at the Ouellette Campus visit the WRH COVID-19 Assessment Centre online.

Please continue to visit or for regular updates on COVID-19.


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