
WRH Adds Extra Eating and Break Room Capacity


Met Campus


Ouellette Campus space for staff to eat and take a break in a safe environment, Windsor Regional Hospital converted some areas last week in both campuses into cafeteria-like rooms.

The Met Auditorium has been set up with tables and chairs, a microwave, and a toaster which allows for up to 41 staff members to eat safely, six feet apart.

At the Ouellette Campus, the former Chapel has been equipped with tables, chairs, a microwave, and a toaster for up to 28 staff to eat safely, six feet apart.

"Our current facilities have massive infrastructure limitations, however, we work with what we have for now," says CEO and President David Musyj. 

The extra space will allow for staff to physically distance easier and therefore, prevent the possible spread of COVID-19.

The areas will remain open 24-7 and we encourage staff to use the space.

We ask the staff to not move the tables or chairs, sanitize your hands before and after eating and limit the time without a mask.