
New Video Interpreting Program Available



Being in the hospital due to a severe pain, injury or awaiting diagnoses is a scary ordeal for any patient, which is made more challenging and difficult if they don’t speak English.  To address this issue more effectively, Windsor Regional Hospital has implemented a new program using video technology designed to ease the lines of communication.

Language Line Insight Video Interpreting connects the healthcare provider and patient with an interpreter via video to improve communication and understanding.

Each unit in the hospital is equipped with an iPad with the App (listed as ‘Language Line’) and with a click of a button, the connection is made 24/7.

So much of communication is non-verbal and the Language Line App addresses that gap. 

“They can read people’s body language and facial expressions because they see who they are speaking to rather than over a phone which is always different,” says Met Campus Patient Advocate Corrin Primeau.  “When you are dealing with health care issues, it is important to make sure the patient understands all the information being presented to them and the questions that are being asked.”

The program is already in effect and staff are encouraged to use it when a patient has a difficult time speaking English or understanding English. 

“It is not just a pain someone is having, we need to know the description of the pain,” explains Primeau. “Is it sharpshooting?  Is it dull or aching? Those are two different kinds of pains.”

Another added benefit to the new program is American Sign Language is now available which has always been a barrier in the past.

The previous program called Interpretalk uses only a phone line and is still available but the goal is to encourage more staff to utilize the updated technology.

“This technology will undoubtedly improve patient care and lead to better outcomes, by allowing our health care team to do a more thorough assessment of the patient,” says Chief Nursing Executive and Chief Operating Officer Karen Riddell. “With such a diverse population in Windsor-Essex, these tools are essential in making a diagnosis, ensuring the patient understands their treatment plan and has a good recovery.”