
WRH Chief of Psychiatry Recognized



Windsor Regional Hospital’s Chief of Psychiatry Dr. Corina Velehorschi has already turned heads in her profession despite being in her current role for less than a year.

The Association of General Hospital Psychiatric Services (AGHPS) has selected Dr. Velehorschi as one of the recipients of the 2021 Jane Chamberlin Award for her outstanding contribution to hospital psychiatry and mental health programs.

She was presented with the award during a virtual presentation on Friday, November 5th, 2021.

Dr. Velehorschi has been working at WRH since 2004 and was appointed WRH’s chief of psychiatry as of January 13, 2021, which was a ‘dream come true’ for her.

Jonathan Foster, Vice President of Mental Health, Emergency, Trauma, Office of Research, Renal and the Erie-St.Clair Regional Cancer Program and Director of Mental Health Program Luke Di Paolo nominated Dr. Velehorschi for the award.

In their submission, they wrote:

Dr. Velehorschi is the epitome of a compassionate, committed and innovative leader. Dr. Velehorschi accepted her Chief appointment in the midst of the pandemic with the positivity and persistence that is required to move mountains. Dr. Velehorschi’s passion for our patient population, their families and our team is infectious. Her presence inspires and makes us a better organization.” 

She has been instrumental in leading innovative program changes including implementation of the Mental Health Assessment Unit, development and implementation of the Emergency Department Pathway for Mental Health & Addiction, and extended on-site psychiatry consults for the emergency department.

She also played a key role in supporting on-unit COVID-19 vaccination efforts for all patients including the homeless and vulnerable/at-risk patients.

Jane Chamberlin was an executive director for the AGHPS and upon her death, the award was established to honour her. Typically the award is presented to a single recipient, but the AGHPS recognized that over the last 19 months with the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an unprecedented burden placed on hospitals and staff.