
Congratulations Lucy Di Pietro!


Lucy Di Pietro

Lucy Di Pietro, Technical Coordinator in the Microbiology Department at Windsor Regional Hospital, has been named a 2022 Lerners Healthcare Champion honouring her work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The awards are given out each year recognizing hardworking individuals and organizations that go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to helping patients and their families, volunteering their time, and rallying their community for good.

Through her leadership, Di Pietro played a major role in securing the technology needed to process COVID-19 tests on-site to help ensure results were given to patients more quickly. In the pandemic’s infancy, Windsor did not have a licensed lab for testing and all samples had to be sent out of our region for processing.

“It goes incredibly far invalidating all of the extra time so many of us have been dedicating to our jobs here at the hospital and inpatient care facilities across the province,” says Di Pietro, “I don’t accept the award lightly. It is really for all the lab professionals in our healthcare system in Ontario.”

“Lucy has worked tirelessly for our patients and community. Truly it is hard to find someone more deserving of this award,” says Windsor Regional Hospital President and CEO David Musyj.

Di Pietro has more than 30 years of experience in her field, something Chief Nursing Executive Karen Riddell says has been invaluable during the pandemic.

“Lucy’s dedication in the field helped us to ensure we were able to provide safe and timely care for our entire community.  Congratulations Lucy, and thank you for your amazing work and ongoing commitment!”

As part of the recognition, Di Pietro was also awarded a $5,000 charity donation which she plans to pass along to the Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation.

“I’d like the Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation to benefit from the monetary award that accompanies this great honour as I know whatever I can do to help the foundation meet its goal of providing support to the many hospital programs across both campuses would be a very welcome addition,” says Di Pietro.

Learn more information about the Lerners Healthcare Champion awards here.