
Minister of Health committed to an accelerated project timeline for new hospital


Minister of Health Sylvia Jones mobile

Ontario's Deputy Premier and Minister of Health Sylvia Jones reaffirmed her government's commitment to moving the new Windsor/Essex Acute Care Hospital forward without delay.

Jones was in Windsor with Premier Doug Ford to announce a $30-million investment in hospital equipment including a new catheterization table and a new LINAC radiation machine and bunker.

During a news conference, Jones said the province recognizes the need for a new hospital, as well as updates to current facilities now to address an expanded need for service in the region.

“What we are saying is, ‘Yes, you need and you deserve a new hospital. Absolutely we will get that new hospital. But in the meantime, there are things we can do to invest and make sure that your care increases in the interim.'”

Any equipment – including equipment announced today - that has usable life will be moved to the new acute hospital. The renovated space to temporarily house the new cath lab will also be used for other outpatient procedures once the cath lab moves to the new acute hospital.

During an interview with Mike Kakuk and Lisa Williams on AM 800's The Morning Drive, Jones said the hospital plans are proceeding well.

"We are working very closely with Windsor Regional Hospital to get it done as quickly as possible. We understand the need and we want to expedite," she said.

Construction, which was originally set to begin in 2027, is now scheduled to start in the summer of 2026 as was noted in Infrastructure Ontario's November 2022 Market Update. During the interview, the Minister expressed confidence in this accelerated timeline. 

"We do have to go through the due process, but I am hopeful that with the excellent partners we have in Windsor-Essex, as well as a strong commitment from Premier Ford and our government, that we will be able to move those timelines up."