
WRH Recognized for Organ, Tissue Donation Excellence


Trillium Gift of Life Network Award mobile

Windsor Regional Hospital is being recognized by the Trillium Gift of Life Network for its continued dedication to saving lives through organ and tissue donation during the pandemic.

In 2021/2022, Ontario hospitals supported 302 organ donors and 1,885 tissue donors — WRH had nine organ donors, which led to 24 organs donated for transplant and 46 tissue donors enhancing the lives of many.

In recognition of this work, WRH will receive the Provincial Conversion Rate Award for reaching a conversion rate of 64% — exceeding the target of 63% set by Ontario Health. This is the sixth time WRH has been honoured with this award. WRH will also receive the Award of Excellence for the third time. This award is handed out for exceeding the provincial target for conversion rate for four or more consecutive years.

“I’m honoured to receive this award on behalf of the hard working and dedicated staff at Windsor Regional Hospital in the intensive care units at Met and Ouellette as well as the OR team,” says WRH Director of Critical Care Nicole Krywionek.

In addition, WRH will receive the Provincial Eligible Approach Rate Award for the first time for exceeding the provincial eligible approach rate target of 90% — WRH achieved a 92% eligible approach rate. This award recognizes hospitals for demonstrating leading practices by facilitating a donation discussion between Ontario Health’s Trillium Gift of Life Network and eligible patients and or families of patients at end of life.

There are currently nearly 1,400 Ontarians waiting for a life-saving organ transplant.