Guest Services Network

See records below:

Courier/Receiving Records   GCR

Type: General Class of Records

Description: Records of all courier transactions between various campuses and records of all items received in Receiving department.

Division: Guest Services Network

Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Public Health Food Safety Inspection Documentation   GCR

Type: General Class of Records

Description: Regular audit reports received from Public Health Inspector.

Division: Guest Services Network

Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Biohazard Waste pick-up manifest documentation   GCR

Type: General Class of Records

Description: Records registering the type/volume of biohazardous waste scheduled for pick up and proper disposal.

Division: Guest Services Network

Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Patient Transportation Documentation   GCR/PIB

Type: General Class of Records/Personal Information Bank

Description: Records relating to the transportation of patients between campuses and/or facilities.

Division: Guest Services Network

Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Types of personal information: Patient information such as name, age, date of birth, medical information etc.

Record uses: Record patient transfers.

Categories of users: Departmental Managers, Guest Services Network management.

Categories of individuals in bank:: Patients.

Food Production   GCR

Type: General Class of Records

Description: Records relating to the preparation and production of meals for patients. May include information about food preparation, menu planning, nutritional concerns/restrictions, ingredients and portions control, food production scheduling, food handling and storage methods, food allergies, food orders, and food products.

Division: Guest Services Network

Retention and disposal: To be determined.