Letter From The Chair of the Board

It is my privilege and a tremendous honour to serve as the Board Chair.

Anthony Paniccia


"Outstanding Care - No Exceptions!" is not only the vision for Windsor Regional Hospital, but it is also a way of life for our incredible employees, our professional staff, and our volunteers.

I could not be prouder of everyone involved in our hospital and how we have all come together to handle the global pandemic. The countless hours put in by members of our team are nothing short of amazing. You are sacrificing your time, your health, and potentially the health of your families to take care of our community. On behalf of the Board, thank you for your steadfast commitment to Windsor-Essex and WRH.

The WRH Board of Directors are volunteers who demonstrate a commitment and passion for improving how health care is delivered in our region. We are fortunate to have a Board that brings together individuals with a blend of skills, backgrounds, and diverse perspectives to represent our community at every board meeting and function. This mix is incredibly valuable - particularly now when our health care system is being challenged like never before.

During a period when COVID-19 has tested the very limits of our health care system, the insights of the volunteers on our Board have been critical for helping guide the organization in the direction that the people of Windsor-Essex count on every day. At the same time, our Board continues to support the progression of our community efforts to bring a new, state-of-the-art acute care hospital to our community that can serve our region for decades to come - and continues to advocate for this vision to become a reality.

The Board will continue to help promote every opportunity for our fantastic WRH team to have the best work environment possible so that they can provide patients throughout our community with the safe, high-quality care they deserve and expect.

On behalf of our Board, I look forward to the exciting opportunities that await our hospital and our community!



Anthony Paniccia
Chair of the Board of Directors,
Windsor Regional Hospital