Internationally Trained Professionals


Each year, the Department of Volunteer Services and Student Registration receives many volunteer applications from internationally trained professionals. Please note that while we are pleased to accept your application, volunteers at Windsor Regional Hospital are not permitted to take on any tasks or responsibilities that fall outside the scope of the volunteer role.

Any tasks or responsibilities that can only legally be performed by a member of a licensed or regulated profession (physician, pharmacist, physiotherapist, laboratory technician, etc.) are not included in any volunteer role descriptions. Volunteering will not allow you the opportunity to practice or develop your clinical or technical skills, nor are our volunteer roles designed to be professional internship opportunities. Also, for reasons of patient privacy, Windsor Regional Hospital does not permit volunteers to shadow physicians or other healthcare professionals.

If you are an internationally trained professional and you are looking for information on the regulatory colleges, education and assessment programs, entry to practice requirements, or information on internships and mentorships, visit: