Strategic Objectives 2016-2020

Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy.

We have discussed a lot about Strategic Planning over the past year. Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy.

Part of the Strategic Planning process is to examine our current Vision, Mission and Values. As all of us know our Vision of providing "Outstanding Care...No Exceptions!" is what we live and breathe on a daily basis in everything we do. A Vision is an aspirational description of what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term future. It is intended to serve as a clear guide for choosing current and future courses of action.

Windsor Regional Hospital's Mission - "Deliver an Outstanding Patient Care experience driven by a passionate commitment to excellence" is meant to be accomplished daily. A Mission is a written declaration of an organization's core purpose and focus that normally remains unchanged over time. Properly crafted mission statements (1) serve as filters to separate what is important from what is not, (2) clearly state which markets will be served and how, and (3) communicate a sense of intended direction to the entire organization. A mission is different from a vision in that the former is the cause and the latter is the effect; a mission is something to be accomplished whereas a vision is something to be pursued for that accomplishment.

Our Corporate Values centre around an acronym CARE: C=Compassionate, A=Accountable, R=Respectful, and E=Exceptional Values are important and are lasting beliefs or ideals shared by a team about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. Values have a major influence on a person's behaviour and attitude and serve as broad guidelines in all situations.

Although important, our motto of "Compassion is Our Passion" is not part of our strategic plan. A motto is a short sentence that encapsulates the beliefs or ideals guiding an organization.

As part of the Windsor Regional Hospital Strategic Planning process, we did not only have a cross-section of employees, volunteers and professional staff coming together to develop the plan, we also interacted with hundreds of patients and community members on what was important to them as to what should be Windsor Regional Hospital's direction and what decisions it should make on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy.

Many organizations stop here. However, the question is: 'How do we make sure what we do on a daily basis drives the achievement of our Vision?'. As a result, we need to OPERATIONALIZE our Strategic Directions and Initiatives. This is NOT a make-work project. Many organizations are busy but do not have focus. The bottom line is if you are doing something that does not advance our Strategic Plan, you should stop doing it. This operationalization of the Strategic Plan creates focus on our day-to-day activities.

A unique part of the Strategic Planning process was working with Leamington District Memorial Hospital on creating aligned Strategic Directions and Initiatives. Being the two acute care facilities in Windsor/Essex with many common and shared programs and services, both organizations recognized the importance of ensuring consistency for the benefits of the patients we collectively care for in our region.

All the links above, are program-specific objectives we are all working on to operationalize our Strategic Plan. Please take some time to flip through the one for your Program and also spend time looking at others. You will notice we are all “rowing in the same direction”. This is impressive. You will also see hard copies of these documents in your department.

Last point. A strategic plan is a living and breathing document. This means we will need to revisit the plan and especially how we are operationalizing it. If you want to be part of ongoing Strategic Planning, please contact me at 519-995-2966 or I look forward to you getting directly involved. The more people involved, the stronger our Strategic Plan.