Clinical Students (Non-Nursing)
Clinical student placements at Windsor Regional Hospital - often referred to as internships - are unpaid, practical work experiences that are required as part of a formal educational program.
Students with a confirmed placement are required to complete the following registration process:
1. Complete the Student Pre-placement Health Review Form
2. Read the Clinical Student Handbook
3. Read each of the modules below, then complete the corresponding post-test:
- Confidentiality and Privacy - All staff working at Windsor Regional Hospital must be mindful of their role in protecting the confidentiality of our patients, staff, and visitors.
- Emergency Codes - All persons providing service on behalf of WRH need to be aware of the Emergency Code system used to report an emergency, including the number(s) to call, who responds, and roles and responsibilities during the emergency.
- Infection Prevention and Control - It is everyone's responsibility to engage in hand hygiene and adhere to appropriate signage in clinical areas. Keep yourself and those around you safe by becoming informed.
- Occupational Health and Safety - Safety is shared accountability. Become knowledgeable regarding your OHS roles and responsibilities, along with WHMIS guidelines.
- Safety in the Workplace
- Workplace Violence Prevention - This section has been developed to provide you with information on how to respond appropriately and safely in the event of a threat or incident of workplace violence.
- Providing Accessible Customer Service - Ontario's Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requires all service providers, including health care institutions, to remove barriers faced by people with disabilities when accessing their services.
4. Complete the Student Confidentiality Agreement
5. Obtain a Vulnerable Sector Check Police Clearance Report
6. Provide two WSIB Letters:
- Letter to Placement Employer-provided by your Internship Coordinator and
- Student Letter of Declaration for personal injury insurance while on placement.
7. Contact the Student Registrar no later than one week before the placement start date to confirm that all registration paperwork has been submitted and the student is cleared to start their placement.
Connie Tomalty
Student Registrar/Administrative Assistant
Phone: 519-254-5577 ext. 52563
Fax: 519-985-2616