Cardiac Catheterization Lab

Cardiac Overview
Cardiac Resources and Information
Cardiac FAQ's
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The Windsor Regional Cardiac Catheterization Lab provides state-of-the-art regional service for Windsor and its surrounding communities. WRH’s regional Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (frequently called Angioplasty) program offers emergency "Code STEMI" cardiac stent procedures for patients throughout the region on a 24-hour basis.





What is a Cardiac Catheterization?

Cardiac catheterization is a diagnostic procedure used to detect blockages and/or narrowing in the coronary arteries, which are the blood vessels that bring blood to the heart muscle. Dye is injected into the arteries using a “catheter” (a long narrow tube) and x-ray pictures are taken to help the doctor see the outline of the arteries. The test can also be used to measure how well the valves and muscles are working.

What is angioplasty?

An angioplasty is a procedure used to help open blocked arteries. A catheter with a special balloon is put into the coronary artery at the site which is narrowed. By inflating the balloon it compresses the blockage to the sides of the artery and stretches the artery slightly, allowing blood to flow freely once more.

How should I prepare for my test?

If your doctor schedules you for this test you may arrive as an outpatient and go home the same day, in that case it is very important for you to follow the instructions of your healthcare provider and we will contact you prior to your test and send you an information package.

Where is the Cath lab located?

The Cath lab is located on the basement floor at Windsor Regional Hospital-Ouellette Campus. 

From the Ouellette Avenue Entrance: Take the main elevators to the basement. You will see a red line along the walls as you approach the Cath Lab. Turn right and follow the hallway down the ramp to the end. 

From the Goyeau Street Entrance:  Follow the staircase down, on the left side of the Coffee Bar. Walk through the cafeteria and turn right into the basement area. Continue past the main elevators and follow the hallway down a ramp to the end. You will see a red line along the walls as you approach the Cath Lab.



Elena Martin
Operations Manager, CCU, Cath Lab, and Arrhythmia Device Clinic
Phone: 519-254-5577 Ext: 33325
Mobile: 519-995-3425

Lina Karkanawi
Clinical Practice Manager, CCU, Cath Lab, and Arrhythmia Device Clinic
Phone: 519-254-5577 Ext: 33625
Mobile: 519-995-0255