Bundled Care

Physiotherapy Post Total Joint Replacement

Windsor Regional Hospital has partnered with outpatient rehabilitation clinics throughout our region to provide government-funded quality post-surgical physiotherapy to patients who have had qualifying hip, knee, or shoulder surgeries at one of our campuses.

All participants in the program are asked to complete a short Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) survey. This takes about 5 minutes to complete.



What is Bundled Care?

In April 2018 the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care introduced Bundled Care to Ontario as part of the Patients First: Roadmap to Strengthen Home and Community Care and supports Ontario's goal of developing a health system that puts patients first.

Bundled care is a service delivery and funding model that is designed to promote greater integration in health care delivery, drive high-quality, efficient care, and improve patient outcomes and experience. In a bundled care approach, a group of healthcare providers receives a single payment to cover all the care needs of an individual patient's full spectrum of care for a specific health issue.

Where can I have my physiotherapy?

  • Patients who have had a qualifying hip, knee, and shoulder total joint replacement surgery may have their post-surgical physiotherapy wherever they desire.
  • For government-funded therapy, patients must attend one of our outpatient physiotherapy clinic partners.
  • Patients who chose to attend an outpatient physiotherapy clinic that has not entered into an agreement with Windsor Regional Hospital will be required to pay for this service themselves.

Can I change the outpatient physiotherapy clinic I attend after I have started with one?

  • Windsor Regional Hospital has agreements with many outpatient physiotherapy clinics to provide for your post-surgical therapy at no cost to you
  • Due to the funding formula and these agreements Windsor Regional Hospital will only pay one partnered clinic per qualifying surgery
  • If you attend a non-partnered clinic or begin treatment at one clinic and then change to another (partnered or not), the cost of the second clinic therapy will be at your own expense. Some exceptions may apply.

How do I know if my surgery is a qualifying surgery?

  • Patients who have had a qualifying surgery will receive a bundled care physiotherapy referral form they can take to the clinic of their choice.
  • Qualifying surgery criteria is determined by Health Quality Ontario & Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
  • Determining if a patient meets the criteria can be very complex but there are some basic criteria that must be met:
    • Cost for surgery paid by OHIP (not out of province, military, self-pay, etc)
    • Surgery cannot be a WSIB claim
    • Elective surgery - not emergency surgery. The surgery must be elective meaning pre-scheduled and the reason for admission to the hospital
    • A patient must be 18 years of age or older
    • Primary joint, not a revision - this means this is to be the first total joint surgery for this joint you have, not a repair for a previous total joint surgery
    • Diagnosis cannot be related to cancer or trauma
    • Bilateral joints (both joints at the same time) are excluded at this time

Where can I have bundle care-funded physiotherapy?

Please view the links below for locations in which you can get government-funded physiotherapy following your joint replacement surgery.

You may attend any clinic you want for your therapy. Clinics not listed below may require you to make arrangements to pay for their services or to use your private insurance. Please confirm when booking your appointment if they are a bundled care clinic or not.

What is the PROMs survey and when do I have to do it?

Windsor Regional Hospital (WRH) is working with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) to improve your healthcare services. Patients all across Ontario who are having a total hip or knee replacement are being asked, at 4 different times, to complete a short survey about how they are feeling before and after their surgery. The survey referred to as Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs), takes about 5 minutes to complete.

Your hip and knee PROMs survey tells your healthcare team about your:

  • pain
  • functional status (how well you are able to do your normal daily activities)
  • the overall quality of life
  • Orthopedic care

The same survey is completed each of the four times.

  • At the Rapid Access Clinic prior to seeing your surgeon
  • When you come in for your pre-admission visit prior to surgery
  • 3-4 months after the surgery
  • 1 year after your surgery

The first two surveys will be completed at a kiosk within the hospital clinics.

  • Because you will not be returning to the hospital to see your surgeon after your follow-up appointment at the fracture clinics 2 -3 weeks post-surgery, you are invited to complete the last 2 surveys online, at home, on any device that has a connection to the internet (e.g. desktop computer, laptop computer, smartphone, etc.).

How do I become a bundle care physiotherapy partner?

Windsor Regional Hospital has partnered with many outpatient physiotherapists in Essex, Kent, and Lampton counties. This will ensure our total joint replacement surgery patients are able to access government-funded quality post-surgical physiotherapy closer to home.

New clinics can join the Bundled Care Program twice a year: April and October. If you are interested in signing on as a partner clinic, contact Sarah.Morris@wrh.on.ca.



Sarah Morris
Bundled Care Navigator
Office Hours: 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM Monday to Friday
Email: Sarah.Morris@wrh.on.ca
Phone: 519-254-5577 ext. 52106
Fax: 519-985-2646