P.A.R.T.Y. Program

Providers and Partners Overview
Providers and Partners Resources and Information
Providers and Partners FAQ's
Providers and Partners Contact Us



The P.A.R.T.Y. Program is designed to provide useful, relevant information about injury (trauma) in a way that respects your values, ideas and culture.  It is a way to help you make informed prevention-oriented choices about activities and behaviours that put you and your peers at risk of injury.  

P.A.R.T.Y. Mission

  • To promote injury prevention through reality education, enabling youth to recognize risk and make informed choices about activities and behaviours 
P.A.R.T.Y. Goals
  • To empower youth to recognize risks.
  • To empower youth to make informed, smart choices.
  • To increase youths’ awareness of personal responsibility for their choices. 
  • To increase youths’ knowledge of the impact of serious injury on quality of life for the individual and community 
  • To promote other injury prevention initiatives. 
  • To contribute to a reduction in the incidence of risk-related trauma for youth. 



P.A.R.T.Y. would not be possible without the commitment of our dedicated staff and community partners:

  • Windsor Police Services; 
  • Emergency Medical Services; 
  • Windsor Regional Hospital Staff (ER, ICU, Neurosurgery, Rehab, Pastoral Care);
  • Physicians;
  • Volunteers; and 
  • Injury Survivors.



P.A.R.T.Y. Windsor functions in association with the International P.A.R.T.Y. program.

Their main website is a vast resource for teens, parents and teachers:



Why Should You Involve Your Students?

  • Education and discussion is centered around risk taking behaviours both positive and negative. 
  • Interactive opportunities for students to role play through high risk situations and active involvement occurs around the real life terrible consequences of taking part in high risk behaviours. 
  • Students share a full day with health care providers that would care for real trauma patients in a real hospital setting. 
  • Discussion with an injury survivor informs students about how a life changing injury can be.

Who Should Attend?

  • High school students 16 years & older, usually in Grade 11 or 12; 
  • Peer Mentors; 
  • Those students who are at high risk and/or are handpicked by teaching staff;
  • Leadership students; 
  • School Council members; 
  • Law Students; 
  • Co-op Students; 
  • Career Students; 
  • Athletic teams or extracurricular groups; and
  • Prom committee members.

How Many Should Attend?

  • Ideally 15-20 students - we are limited to the space of a classroom and moving through the hospital hallways. These numbers are optimal for the best experience.

How Do We Book the Day?

  • Check our calendar prior to each school term beginning-August and late November. 
  • Pick an optimal date for your school - keeping in mind to not book on dates for student exams/tests, prom, major athletic or social events etc. 
  • Contact us using our contact information (link from web page for Contact Us) as soon as possible. 
  • Dates fill up fast - if your dates are taken prior to your request, you will be put on a waiting list on a first-come-first-serve basis for the next term.

P.A.R.T.Y. Day Checklist

  • One week prior: Confirm with us your final numbers and obtain all participating students consent and confidentiality forms. 
  • The week of: Obtain all student consent and confidentiality forms. 
  • Give students directions to WRH and times for the day 0830-1430hrs. 
  • Please stress that this is a full day experience. There is much to fit into the day so punctuality is greatly appreciated. 
  • Wear comfortable clothing appropriate for a hospital environment. 
  • Please bring student consent and confidentiality forms with you the day of P.A.R.T.Y. 
  • Lunch is provided (Pizza - both vegetarian and meat options). 
  • For those driving, free parking is available in the parking garage. 
  • Juice will be provided in the morning (please remember to eat a nutritious breakfast before coming). 
  • Cell phones must be turned off while on hospital premises. 
  • Camera use is encouraged (photograph students and activities with the P.A.R.T.Y. group but not of patients or families).

Post P.A.R.T.Y. Ideas

  • The event is held on Fridays and students often reflect during the weekend on their experience. 
  • Provide an opportunity for students to complete a post P.A.R.T.Y. reflection paper to express their thoughts or feelings of the experience.
  • Suggest students share their photographs taken. 
  • Brainstorm on how they can make healthy choices in their lives through challenges such as peer pressure, prom, etc. 
  • Copy and print out the Contract For Life and encourage participants to fill out and communicate with their parents. 
  • Please encourage the participants to share with us their thoughts and ideas for improvement to Windsor's P.A.R.T.Y. team.


Why Should Students Attend P.A.R.T.Y.?

  • It is a day packed full of interesting information and activities designed to help you become more aware of the importance and consequences of your decisions. 
  • It is an opportunity to talk with many people including doctors, nurses, social workers and patients - ask questions, share information, get involved. 
  • It is a unique chance to think, listen, and feel. This is one P.A.R.T.Y that you will never forget. 
  • Learn why accident is a word we don't use in P.A.R.T.Y.

What can I expect on P.A.R.T.Y. Day?

Your day with P.A.R.T.Y. consists of a journey. This journey will take you on some of the difficulties a trauma patient at WRH will incur. You will experience presentations from multiple members of our health care team including paramedics, Emergency Room Trauma Specialists including Nurses, Physicians, and Respiratory Therapists. You will also meet and interact with Intensive Care Nurses, Rehabilitation Therapy practitioners and experienced Law Enforcement personnel.

Tips for a Successful P.A.R.T.Y. Day

  • Sign your confidentiality form and permission form before arriving. 
  • Eat breakfast before coming. 
  • Arrive on time - it is a full day and starting late will mean that you will miss out on some unique information or opportunities. 
  • Wear comfortable clothing and shoes, appropriate for walking around the hospital. 
  • Bring a camera. 
  • Leave your valuables at home. 
  • Lunch is provided. 
  • Come with an open mind and participate as much as possible - the more you participate, the more you will take home from our P.A.R.T.Y.



P.A.R.T.Y Program Windsor

Windsor Regional Hospital-Ouellette Campus
Trauma Services

For more information or to book a P.A.R.T.Y. date for your school, please contact:

Coordinator Trauma Serves/Injury Prevention
Diane Bradford, MN, RN
519-254-5577, ext. 37818
Fax: (519) 255-2246

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/PARTY-Program-Windsor/399974340059370
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/party_windsor